Coronavirus and Staying Safe
Spreading the news - January 2021 Edition
In this Spreading The News we talk about the new lockdown, what the rules are and how everyone can support each other to stay well. Read more here
Coronavirus Vaccinations
We have made a one page profile about the Coronavirus Vaccinations. It will take a while before everyone gets their vaccination, so everyone still needs to keep safe! Read more here
Get Your Flu Vaccination
Flu can be as dangerous as Coronavirus for people who have some health problem. So get your flu vaccination today!
Read more here
Also the Misfits have made a fantastic film about Flu as well.
Click here to watch it
Hospital Passports' and 'Grab and Go'
We think it is really important that people with learning disabilities and autistic people have a Hospital Passport as well as a Grab and Go Sheet, just in case they get ill and need to go into hospital.
The hospital passport is designed to give hospital staff helpful information about communication needs, likes, dislikes as well as the persons basic health needs.
Download a Hospital Passport here
Together with the Grab and Go sheet it will help people look after you better when you are in Hospital.
Download the Grab and Go sheet here
Download them today, fill them in and keep them somewhere safe and where other people know where it is. If you have to go into hospital make sure they both go with you or ask someone to bring them in as soon as possible. Tell hospital staff to look at them.
Spreading the News November - 2nd edition
Disability Discrimination Law is 25 years old! In this issue, find out about how the last 25 years has changed because of the laws and what might still need to happen.
You can download Spreading the News here
Be Cancer Aware
We have worked with Cancer Alliance to write a guide about checking for Cancer. NHS Services are open if you need help. Be Cancer Aware!
Read the guide here
Michael has done a presentation about Oxygen, you can download it here: tinyurl.com/25yh5msx
Checking there is enough Oxygen in your blood could be really important if you have Coronavirus or other problems breathing. You can use a Pulse Oximeter to test it. They are cheap and easy to use. You can also see the NHS guide here: tinyurl.com/yoe9gsrj
Spreading the News February 2021 and more about your COVID Vaccination!
Spreading the News - Talks about how important it is to get your Vaccination when you are called.
A COVID Vaccination story - The lovely Hesna from REMA in Rotherham having their vaccination!
Our Guide to Covid Vaccinations - An EasyRead guide to what happens at your COVID Vaccination
*NEW* Spreading the news October 2020 - Coronavirus changes to local restrictions
There are new rules now for different areas of the country. In this issue we look at what the rules are like in our area of South Yorkshire.
Spreading the news 10th August 2020 - The NHS is here for you!
We’re joining forces with South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Cancer Alliance to bring you some
important messages. The First Big Message is that all NHS Services are open!
Spreading the news 4th July 2020 - More and more shops will be opening
More and more shops will be opening … Including hairdressers, some pubs, cinemas and cafes will be opening too. Here are some of the changes you will see and what you still need to do to be safe. Read more here.
Spreading the news 8th June 2020 - Dentists and using the bus/tram/train
In this edition we look at how dentists are going to open so you might be able to get help if you have toothache or need help with your teeth. Also people will have to wear face masks if they use the bus/tram or train. Read more here.
Spreading the news 1st June 2020 - Easing the Lockdown, what does it mean?
In this edition we look at what people can do now that the lockdown is being lifted slowly. But it still means we all have to be careful and keep to the rules.
We have also written 2 helpful guides to help you Kick Out the Lockdown Blues: Guide 1. Guide 2. We have now written an update to say what we have done - what have you done to Kick out the Lockdown Blues?
Spreading the news 25th May 2020 - Eid Edition
This week we have been celebrating Eid! It’s brightening up our lives in this Lockdown and we want to tell you what it’s all about.
Download Spreading the News Eid Edition here
Spreading the news - What does it all mean - part 1
Hello everyone! This weeks edition of Spreading the News is all about the words we all hear to do with Coronavirus. It has a list of the words you might hear and tells you what they mean.
Download Spreading the News here
(continued in next weeks edition)
Spreading the news and Kicking Out the Lockdown Blues
Hello world! We have been busy writing some new things for you which might help while you are stuck at home. Our Spreading the News E-Zine has not been released for a while, this issue has things to help you at home.
We have also written 2 helpful guides to help you Kick Out the Lockdown Blues: Guide 1. Guide 2.
Treats to help during the lockdown
Being at home all day and not having much to do can make us all feel unhappy. Our team have been thinking about some of the things you can do at home during the lockdown. These are fun easy things which you can do using the things you might have around the house. Try them out yourself:
You can choose one thing to do each day if you like, mix them up and maybe come up with new ideas of your own too!
What other things has Speakup been doing?
We have been talking a lot about the Coronavirus outbreak at Speakup and have been trying to work differently so we can still support people, but keep safe. We have set up social media groups to help people stay safe and keep in touch and feel less anxious and less isolated. We are also using Zoom to hold video meetings and help people to stay at home but still see people and talk to them.
We have also set up Zoom events so people can do Yoga, exercise, quizzes and peer support groups from home using their video camera on their phone. To find out more please contact us.
You will have heard on the news that it is important for people to do things differently in their lives so they are safe and they keep others safe:
Only going out of the house for food and to walk dogs
If they do meet people to keep at least 2 meters away from them
To sneeze into tissues and wash their hands a lot
If they are older or have a health condition, to stay away from other people and stay at home
We have written a small guide to help people understand what they need to do:
If you are very unwell or know someone who is, then you can call 111 for help and advice.
Other organisations have also made guides and a video to help you:
NDTI Facts about Advocacy and Rights