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Speakup are experts in making information accessible!

Easy Read and Film Production

Do you need your information to be made accessible to people with learning disabilities? 


We can help you. Speakup works in partnership with two social enterprises to do this: The Friendly Resource Company and the Friendly Information Company. Commission us to make your information accessible in print, on film and using Makaton or British Sign Language. 


People with learning disabilities and autistic people co-produce all of our accessible information to make sure it is truly accessible. We have many years experience and would love to chat to you about your needs.


The Friendly Information Company holds the Information Standard. This means that if we show the logo on any of our leaflets or DVDs, it has been checked very carefully by us to make sure it is clear, accurate and up to date. We are one of the few organisations who have met the very high standards to allow us to use the logo, which is fantastic! If you want to commission us to make accessible information which meets this standard then please get in touch.


For more information say hello

Easy Read

Good accessible information helps all of us make decisions, be involved in society and lead independent lives. If you are looking for an organisation to create an easy read document, we are the people for you! We have created easy read documents for the Ministry of Justice, The Department of Health, The Department for Work and Pensions, NHS England, NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups and Edinburgh Airport.


Alternatively, you could hire us to run focus groups with people with learning disabilities and autistic people to get their expert feedback on your information to make sure it is truly accessible. Please say hello here for more information.

Film Production

Speakup has a professional information film production team involving people with learning disabilities and autistic people from the start. We have made many films about life skills, health, social skills, employment, independent living and much more.


Whatever your message is, we can help you say it to people with learning disabilities.


We have produced many toolkits and workbooks to accompany DVDs and films to enable people to make informed choices.This has included the production of Interactive CD-roms, flash based web films, video hosting and You Tube film clip production. We have the necessary skills and equipment to produce and format film clips to very high standards, all in house. We can help you get your message across. Please use the contact form here for more information or call for a chat.

© 2025 Speakup Self Advocacy Limited

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